At Gainsborough Primary School our DT Curriculum is designed with the intent of addressing the contextual issues that impact on pupils. This is achieved through our four values - Community, Aspirations, Resilience and Equity, which underpin the need to be inclusive, creative, innovative and reflective throughout the teaching and learning process. Design and Technology at Gainsborough develops children’s skills and knowledge in design, structures, mechanisms, electrical control and a range of materials, including food. The Design and Technology curriculum ensures that by the time the children leave in Year 6, they will have developed the creative, technical and practical expertise needed to perform everyday tasks confidently.
After a series of lessons the children have an end outcome which is a finished piece. In order to do this children demonstrate resilience, not giving up when they find things difficult. We continually seek to inspire children's creativity and encourage them to think about important issues in the world and communities around them. We have high aspirations and throughout the lessons we discuss possible career opportunities they could have in the future that are linked to the DT that they are learning. The DT curriculum starts when the children begin their learning journey in the Early Years. We create opportunities for exploring and experiencing. Children are able to experiment with recyclable materials and are given the opportunity to participate in simple cutting, shaping and joining using scissors, glue, paper fasteners and masking tape. We believe that every child can be successful and this is demonstrated through equity where regardless of their starting points everyone makes progress.
At Gainsborough, Design Technology is taught in all year groups, with meaningful and well resourced lessons, in which children are taught through the four phases of practising, designing, making and evaluating their own products. Where appropriate, cross curricular links are made to allow children to make links within the world they live in. Each year group focuses on at least 3 topics throughout the year and each topic will use transferable skills and knowledge where appropriate. As children progress through the school, they are presented with opportunities to develop these skills, as similar topics are revisited and built upon. whilst still ensuring all aspects of the National Curriculum are covered. D&T continued professional development is always on offer for staff should they feel further support is needed. Our school works in collaboration with 7 other trust schools; here the curriculum leaders meet and discuss aspects of the curriculum, sharing good practice and ideas for purposeful teaching and learning.
At Gainsborough we split the terms between D&T and art outcomes, with subjects alternating each half term. The time dedicated to D&T ensures that each topic can be delivered to a high standard and children can create important and useful products. Children are encouraged to be clever and creative when designing and making their products. All children are challenged during D&T lessons through continuous verbal feedback and through problems presented. Children with high levels of need have a broad curriculum offer, linking into National Curriculum themes, but with scaffolded learning which meets their needs, ensuring they are also making good progress from their initial starting points. The themes are planned to ensure that DT skills and knowledge are embedded and built upon.
During D&T lessons, cross-curricular links are observed when appropriate. Maths links are made with children measuring during the ‘design’ and ‘make’ phases of lessons. During cooking topics, children are measuring out ingredients, as well as calculating the quantities of different recipes. Instructions are often created as part of the ‘design’ phase, which has a direct link to English. Through the children presenting their products confidently oracy skills are practised. Science knowledge is practised when children are creating products that contain electrical components, for example Year 4 children use their knowledge of electrical circuits to create nightlights/torches. Year 6 use their Year 4 electricity learning in science to make a ferris wheel that is electrically powered. Adults also encourage children to consider the impact their product can have on the wider world, to ensure they realise the difference they may make in the future.
Each topic ends with all children creating a final product; these products are a fantastic way for children to demonstrate the skills they have learnt. When asked, the children say they love practical lessons. Some will say what they want to be when they are older when Future Me is discussed. eg. Teach DT in Secondary school or be a designer. Throughout the school, children are given the opportunity to consolidate their skills by creating their final product independently. Each lesson builds on the previous and children’s skills are improved upon throughout each topic. It is also clear to see the progression of skills throughout the school through the quality of products each year group creates. There is a Design and Technology display which displays key vocabulary and pictures of Design work in classes from Nursery to Upper Key Stage 2 . Curriculum and school leaders monitor the impact of our curriculum provision through completing regular monitoring, that includes listening to the voice of our children.