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Supporting your Children

Hello Parents and Carers,

Below are links to useful websites that can help support you if your little one/s are struggling.


Young Minds

Tips, advice and where to get support for your child's mental health during the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic:




Anna Freud

Children, young people and families are at the heart of everything we do, and we are committed to involving young people and parents in all aspects of our work.




Place 2 Be

As a parent or carer, you play a key role in teaching your child or young person how to manage their feelings.

Place2Be has support for parents/carers seeking to understand their child's emotions: 


Newham Mental Health Support Team (MHST)

The MHST comes under Newham Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services (CAMHS) – part of the NHS East London Foundation Trust. They work with mental health partners across Newham. Schools that are part of the project agree to work closely with students, parents and carers to hear their views and needs. This is so that, together, we can make best use of the strengths and resources in Newham. 

The focus is on students with early signs of anxiety or challenging behaviours. An approach known as ‘guided self-help’ is used to help parents/carers to understand and address these signs. This happens in 8 weekly sessions. These sessions provide a range of strategies that have been researched and found to be effective.