British Values
The Department for Education outlines five key strands in its definition of British Values. At Gainsborough Primary School, we fully embrace these values and ensure they are embedded in all aspects of school life.
British Values are taught in a variety of ways, both through our curriculum and our RSHE lessons, as well as through enrichment opportunities beyond the classroom. Every member of staff at Gainsborough Primary School plays a vital role in promoting these values, not only through lessons but also in their daily interactions with pupils, setting a positive example through their own actions.
We further reinforce British Values through weekly assemblies, themed focus days, and educational trips, helping our pupils develop a strong understanding of their role in a diverse and democratic society.
What are British Values, and how do we promote them at Gainsborough Primary School?
Our commitment to democracy extends beyond electing our school council or choosing our charitable initiatives—it is embedded in our school ethos.
We believe democracy is more than just voting; it is about giving every child a voice, encouraging participation in discussions, and developing the ability to express well-reasoned opinions. This approach helps foster a culture of respect, responsibility, and active engagement within our school community.
Each year, pupils have the opportunity to vote for school council representatives, giving them a direct experience of the democratic process. Additionally, an important part of our approach is ensuring that pupils can share ideas, report back on discussions, and represent their peers, reinforcing the values of fairness and transparency.
Democracy is also embedded in our curriculum, from learning about historical democratic movements to exploring personal development in RSHE. Through class discussions, assemblies, and school-wide decision-making opportunities, we ensure that pupils not only understand democracy but also experience it in action as a key part of their learning and personal growth.
Rule of Law
We place great importance on the role of rules and laws, whether they apply in the classroom, across the school, or in the wider community.
We promote a culture of fairness and restorative justice, where pupils who make mistakes are given opportunities to reflect, repair relationships, and learn from their actions. This approach encourages personal growth and positive change.
Our pupils are actively engaged in discussions about the importance of laws and rules, helping them develop a deeper understanding of their purpose in society. The study of law and responsibility is woven into our curriculum, particularly in subjects such as RSHE, History, and English.
We also work closely with external organisations, including the police, fire service, and other community groups, to help pupils understand how laws keep us safe and shape the world around us.
At Gainsborough Primary School, we strive to instil in our pupils a strong sense of respect for rules and laws, equipping them with the knowledge and skills to become responsible, informed, and engaged members of society.
Individual Liberty
We create a safe, supportive environment where pupils feel empowered to express their thoughts and opinions. Encouraging independent thinking and self-expression helps them grow into confident, responsible members of society.
We teach pupils to understand their rights and freedoms while appreciating differences worldwide. Promoting liberty and respect, we ensure all voices are heard while rejecting discrimination, extremism, and intolerance.
Our curriculum encourages self-expression through discussions, creative projects, and classroom activities. We also teach responsible freedom of speech, particularly online, through internet safety lessons.
By promoting inclusivity and mutual respect, we help pupils develop the confidence and understanding to become thoughtful, compassionate individuals in school and beyond.
Mutual Respect
At Gainsborough Primary School, we value individual expression while promoting respect for others' rights and viewpoints.
We are committed to fairness and inclusivity, ensuring all pupils are treated equally, regardless of background. Through our curriculum, we promote British values, particularly mutual respect and understanding.
Preventing bullying is a important to us, supported by policies, assemblies, and pupil voice activities. We celebrate Anti-Bullying Week with school-wide events promoting kindness and equality. Additionally, we teach responsible online behaviour to ensure a safe and supportive environment for all.
We are committed to fostering tolerance and understanding of diverse faiths and beliefs. Our curriculum covers a wide range of cultures and religions, helping pupils develop respect and empathy for others.
Through our Religion and Worldview lessons, pupils learn about different faiths, while our RSHE lessons broadens their worldview. throguhout the year, we celebrate awareness days and significant cultural events.
We also organise activities for occasions like Chinese New Year, Black History Month, LGBT+ history month and European Languages Week, promoting inclusivity and appreciation of diversity. Our goal is to prepare pupils to thrive in the multicultural world around us with respect and understanding.