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Breakfast Club

‘Breakfast Club’ is an early morning school club, run at Gainsborough Primary School to support working parents and support families who struggle in the morning. We offer a high standard of care for up to 30 children aged from 5 - 11 years; we have limited spaces for 4 year olds which need to be agreed in advance.

The club runs from 7:30am to 8.45am during term time, there is no entry to breakfast club after 8:15am (unless agreed in advance by a member of the school senior management team). Any allergies or medical needs must be recorded on the admissions form. Please ensure you discuss any food concerns with the Club Supervisor.

The club is run under the guidance of the Governing Body of Gainsborough Primary School. It is monitored by the school’s Senior Management Team; all staff are fully DBS checked. The school subsidise the club to make it more affordable and to support our families.

The Club benefits from a range of the school resources and facilities including a large hall, smaller classroom area and a quiet space.

This booklet aims to provide you with all the information that you require. All the specific policies referred to are available on the school website and copies are available on request.

Aims and objectives

  • To provide professional supervised childcare for children before school.
  • To encourage a good working partnership between parents/carers, child and staff.
  • To encourage and give children the opportunity to learn.
  • To create an environment that is children led and offers the child an opportunity to develop through a programme of play in a safe and caring setting.
  • To offer each child the right to make decisions for themselves and to be involved in the planning and choosing of activities that meet their interests.
  • To work with children within an equal opportunity and culturally diverse framework.

Admissions statement: Places are allocated on a first come first served basis and are only available to children from Gainsborough Primary School. Priority is given to children of working parents. 

Admissions procedure: To enquire about a place please contact the school office on 020 74763533 or come in and get a registration form.

If a place is available you will be required to fill out our admission form and contact details. If there is no place available then you may leave your details on our waiting list.

Fees: £3 PER CHILD PER DAY which includes toast, cereal, milk/water and fruit, but children are welcome to bring their own snack in too. We aim to provide a quality service at the lowest possible cost to parents/carers. All fees we collect are directly used to pay for the organisation of the club. . 

Payment and booking for the club must be made and kept 1 whole week in advance. 

Payment should be made via the School Money system online only. The dates available will be text/emailed to you including the link and password needed to make your payments. If you experience any problems please see the ladies in the school office who will be happy to help.


If your child is going to be absent then you must notify the School Office and ask them to update the Club Supervisor. 

Medicines and First Aid

Children should not attend Breakfast Club if they are unwell. 

Medicines may be administered where necessary providing the medical permissions form has been completed. Staff will store medicines safely, except in the case of asthma inhalers when the child will be given responsibility to self-administer these.

At least one member of staff will be first aid trained and minor injuries will be dealt with. If your child has an accident, staff will complete a form and you will be informed.


Children have the right to play in a safe environment and every member of our Club is equally entitles to that right. We aim to be a violence free Club and to promote non-violence. All children need clear and consistent limits to help them feel safe. Children follow the Golden Rules and are involved in creating the ‘special rules’ for their Club. They are helped to learn self – discipline by following the rules and taking responsibility for their actions.

Dealing with unacceptable behaviour: We use a staged system as within classes – starting with a warning. The Club Supervisors aim to support the individual with their behaviour difficulties. If the child’s behaviour continues to disrupt others, he or she may be separated from certain activities or from the session. As a last resort the child may be excluded from the Club indefinitely.


Having a clear understanding of Safeguarding is an important part of our staffs’ job. All staff understand the local procedures and are able to put them into practice. If staff are concerned about your child’s welfare they will normally discuss their concerns with you in the first instance, however, they may also need to consult with our Safeguarding designated staff.

In the case of an emergency: If a serious accident happens to your child, the first aider will make an assessment and medical assistance will be sought. Every effort will be made to contact you as soon as possible. This is one of the reasons that it is also important we have your most up to date contact details.

The procedures are in place to support and protect the child. A copy of the Safeguarding Policy is available on request.


All information concerning your child is kept confidential and the right for privacy is respected. Only in extreme circumstances, such as a child protection issue or urgent medical treatment, in the best interests of your child, would any personal details be discussed with other professionals.

Personal items of value: We request that children do not bring items of value to Breakfast Club, except under special circumstances and with staff permission. Breakfast Club cannot take responsibility for the belongings of children, parents or carers.


We aim to provide a good quality service to parents/carers and their children. The Club is monitored and reviewed regularly and we also welcome your ideas and comments about how we can improve our service. However, should a parent or child feel they have a complaint/concern then it is important that this is raised as soon as possible so that we can try to find a solution.

Please contact the Club Supervisor in the first instance. If you feel the complaint needs dealing with at a higher level then a written complaint should be sent to the Head Teacher.

Hopefully problems and complaints can be dealt with and resolved swiftly. Unresolved complaints may be taken to Ofsted, the regulatory body.

Equal opportunities

We aim to demonstrate through our work that we positively value and respect children of all ethnic origins, racial groups, religions, culture, linguistic backgrounds and abilities. Children of both genders are positively encouraged by staff to participate in all activities.

We consider it important to provide a range of experiences and an environment that will instil in the children a positive outlook towards people in our society whom they may see as different from themselves.

The Equal Opportunity Policy is available on request.

Changes in personal circumstances

In order to help and support the staff to give appropriate and sensitive care to your child, please inform the club Supervisor if there are any changes in your personal circumstances that are likely to affect your child’s behaviour e.g. bereavement, new home etc.

Useful Contacts

Gainsborough Primary School: 020 7476 3533

Mrs Lisa Christall                              Head Teacher

Mrs Kay Kingett Brennan                Office Manager / Club Payments

Mrs Julie Carver                                Wider opportunities Lead

Miss Lucie Baxter                             Safeguarding Lead